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Re: [lmi] Changes in error handling

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re: [lmi] Changes in error handling
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 15:13:41 +0100

On Sat, 17 Dec 2005 08:03:20 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:

GC> Vadim--Looking back, it strikes me that this code in 'main_wx.cpp'
GC> is fragile:
GC>   bool Skeleton::OnExceptionInMainLoop()
GC>   {
GC>       try
GC>           {
GC>           // This just rethrows the exception. For msw at least, it
GC>           // seems crucial that the exception be thrown from the same
GC>           // shared library that caught it. This works only with a
GC>           // 'monolithic' wx shared library.
GC>           return wxAppConsole::OnExceptionInMainLoop();
GC>           }
GC> Is there a way to assert, in C++, that we have a monolithic wx build?

 Not currently. We could define a special macro when building wx in this
mode (__WXMONOLITHIC__?) but it would be far better to make it work in all
cases, of course.

GC> Particularly if not, I think there's a strong case for providing a
GC> simple 'rethrow' function like wxAppConsole::OnExceptionInMainLoop()
GC> in the GUI subsystem of wx.

 Actually it looks that OnExceptionInMainLoop() would have to be simply
moved to wxAppBase from wxAppConsole as currently it's not used at all by
console applications. And if the console applications ever do get their
main loop, then the calls to OnExceptionInMainLoop() (and hence "catch"
clauses) would be in the base lib too.

 So I moved this function to wxAppBase now, hopefully it should fix the
problem in non-monolithic build.

GC> Here's a documented test case:
GC>   http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=14203568
GC> that shows the underlying problem in a simplified way;

 It's a pity there were no replies to this message... I'd really like to
know/understand why doesn't this work.

GC> I don't know whether this is specific to gcc.

 At least it doesn't happen with msvc.


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