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Re: [lmi] Refactoring opportunities for xsl-fo files

From: Evgeniy Tarassov
Subject: Re: [lmi] Refactoring opportunities for xsl-fo files
Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 16:59:41 +0200

On 5/22/07, Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:
The xsl-fo files seem to duplicate a lot of stuff. Would it be a
good idea to move the common parts into one file that they could
all share? For example, this routine:

I agree with you 100% -- the current XSL-FO files share huge amount of
the same code. These files would look much prettier if we refactor
them -- not only the by extracting the common parts, but also by
rewriting using the right tricks to achieve the same formatting (a
good example would be to replace the construct
       <fo:leader />, which currently serves only to insert some
padding, by padding property itself, which IMHO makes the code more
readable and cleaner).

[...] And here's a variable that
seems to differ only in that one variant includes a blank character
while another does not:
  <xsl:variable name="allletters"> 
though I'm not sure whether there's a reason for any difference.

I think this extra space is a minor bug or a leftover from some code
cleaning, that was done oneday. This variable is used to translate
table headers title so that spaces in a title become hard-spaces
(non-breaking spaces). More: this construct is obsolete -- I think it
was already discussed (long time ago) on lmi mailing list how to
achieve the same effect without replacing spaces by underscores ('_')
or by hard-spaces (&#xA0; which is almost equivalent to &nbsp;).

Best wishes,
Evgeniy Tarassov

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