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Re: [lmi] Running external programs like 'fop' from lmi

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: [lmi] Running external programs like 'fop' from lmi
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 12:20:15 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070221)

On 2007-06-13 22:06Z, Evgeniy Tarassov wrote:
> 1) The line "Exit code <N> from command 'XXX'" gets lost -- IMHO
> better start with it the command directly on the first line, then on
> the second line output the error code, and after that list output (out
> and err). [...]

Changed 20070618T1122Z .

> 2) When the error output is too large the message box won't fit on the
> screen (vertically), as a result 'Ok' button is invisible and user
> could guess and type <Enter>, or close the dialog via small button or
> via <escape>. This could be fixed by using a custom dialog window with
> scrollbars when needed. It could also go into wx -- a change that
> would either add a flag wxSHOW_SCROLLBARS, or add scrollbars
> automatically when needed.

I'd be happy to see such a change in wx, if the maintainers
like the idea. Since we're discussing a change to wxMessageBox,
let me suggest another: add a flag like wxSHOW_COPY_BUTTON,
which would

(a) Visually inform the user that such a facility is available.
On msw, Ctrl-C does this, but few people know that, and I have
received screen-print bitmaps in email that use hundreds of
kilobytes just to show me a brief text diagnostic.

(b) Improve on what Ctrl-C does on msw by filtering out the
"---------------------------" lines and buttons, e.g.

- ---------------------------
  Problem executing command
- ---------------------------
  Exit code 1 from command 'ls --xx'.
  ls: unrecognized option `--xx'
  Try `ls --help' for more information.
- ---------------------------
- OK
- ---------------------------

so that the clipboard would contain simply:

  Problem executing command
  Exit code 1 from command 'ls --xx'.
  ls: unrecognized option `--xx'
  Try `ls --help' for more information.

>> But 'echo Hello' runs silently. You never see any output,
> I wonder, what is going on when a string quote is not matched, like in:
> $ echo "
> (note a single double-quote, not closed)

On msw:

Lmi_wx Error
Execution of command '"' failed (error 2: the system cannot find the file 

[copied and pasted, with the silly
lines and "OK" removed for readability]

In case anyone was wondering why the command is shown
in quotes, that's why, BTW. Perhaps more likely would
be an attempt to execute a completely empty string.

> In a normal command-line interpreter will prompt on the next line for
> the rext of the command and wait for user input. 'Test system command'
> does not show any error message for such a command.
> Such an exotic example is nothing to be taken serious.
> After experimenting with 'fop -fo "<file>" -pdf "<pdf>' (note the
> absent final double-quote) it seems that such a double-quote is
> automatically added, or simply ignored, so it should not be an issue.

Let's try 'wx/samples/exec/exec' using Ctrl-O, and
run the command 'ls "xyz' synchronously (without the
single quotes, but with the unmatched double quote):


Output is:
ls: xyz: No such file or directory

Trying the same thing with lmi's alt-T Y:

Exit code 1 from command 'ls "xyz'.
ls: xyz: No such file or directory

Same, but using the ms "shell":

Exit code 1 from command 'CMD /c ls "xyz'.
ls: xyz: No such file or directory

So I don't know what's really going on, but there doesn't
seem to be a problem that we should worry about.

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