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[lmi] [PATCH] Use correct type for the first column renderer in the cens

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: [lmi] [PATCH] Use correct type for the first column renderer in the census view.
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2015 00:39:35 +0200


 The trivial attached patch gets rid of many warnings when using lmi with
wxGTK (or, I assume, with wxOSX, which has similar code, but I haven't
tested this). The problem was not detected when using the generic version
of wxDataViewCtrl in wxMSW (but this is going to change with my upcoming
changes to wxWidgets which will harmonize this code across all ports), but
in the ports using native control implementation the type of the renderer
and that of the value returned from the model really must be the same.

 I did test that the generic version still worked, i.e. displayed the row
numbers correctly, after this change.

 Thanks in advance for applying it,

Attachment: 0001-Use-correct-type-for-the-first-column-renderer-in-th.patch
Description: Text document

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