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Re: [lmi] Building lmi on various OSs

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re: [lmi] Building lmi on various OSs
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2016 00:36:33 +0200

On Mon, 17 Oct 2016 22:28:34 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:

GC> I'm convinced that cross-compiling on GNU/Linux is better for me than
GC> using cygwin in a qemu-kvm virtual machine running 32-bit msw-xp. We
GC> had hoped that Kim could easily try GNU/Linux and decide for herself
GC> whether she prefers that to msw-7, but it is proving difficult to
GC> navigate the bureaucracy. Vadim, you've built lmi on 64-bit msw as well
GC> as GNU/Linux, so let me ask you whether the advantages of the latter
GC> are great enough to justify fighting for GNU/Linux in the office.

 To be brief, no, I don't think they're big enough. I do prefer
cross-compiling lmi from Unix systems, but using Cygwin is not too bad
neither and having a Cygwin installation you can control (e.g. upgrade) is
needed is almost certainly more convenient than using RHEL server that you
have no control over (although RH does have something called "dev toolsets"
which allow to install newer development tools, probably including GNU Make
4, on old systems).

GC> All of that being said, I think we ought to keep using msw-7 in the
GC> office, at least for now, and reevaluate our options when we're forced
GC> to move to msw-10.

 This seems perfectly reasonable.

GC> Am I missing any compelling argument in favor of pushing for GNU/Linux
GC> in the office sooner?

 If you are, so am I. Again, it's definitely more comfortable for me, but
this is not nearly compelling enough and as long as there are no fatal
problems with Cygwin, we definitely can, and probably should, continue
using it.

 Best regards,

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