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Re: [lmi] Group quote PDF: segfault on strlen

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re: [lmi] Group quote PDF: segfault on strlen
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2017 17:39:12 +0100

On Wed, 8 Mar 2017 16:14:18 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:

GC> BTW, if you know specific steps that would have let me find this
GC> myself in the wine environment, that's something I'd be glad to
GC> learn. I couldn't get i686.../addr2line to do anything helpful
GC> with the addresses in the crash report. I ran
GC>   winedbg ./lmi_wx_shared [usual arguments]
GC> and trapped the problem there so I could run 'bt', but it was
GC> no less cryptic than the crash report posted earlier.

 I don't think winedbg understands DWARF debug symbols, it probably only
supports the debug information supported by Windows dbghelp.dll. So you
need to either use cv2pdb (https://github.com/rainers/cv2pdb) tool to
convert debug info generated by gcc to the format it can understand or,
better for this use, IMO, just run gdbserver under Wine and connect to it
from gdb running under Linux and have the same debugging experience as
usual. It might also be possible to run gdb itself under Wine, but it's not
as convenient.

 However in this particular case I'm not even sure if gdb would be of much
help. While you did get a crash, it's not certain at all that you got it at
the location where the bug really happened and here I didn't see the crash
when generating the PDF at all, but only got it later on program exit, so
the (mis)behaviour doesn't seem to be completely deterministic and gdb
wouldn't be able to pinpoint the place where it starts, i.e. where the
invalid iterator is dereferenced for the first time.

 And the way I actually found this bug was not by debugging at all, but
just by running the program using debug MSVC build, which uses debug STL
version which immediately detected the use of the invalid iterator. I'd
expect that using "safestdlib" build would find it too, but wx code is not
built at all for this build type currently, so it's a bit difficult to
check. Making it easier to build lmi with _GLIBCXX_DEBUG might be a
worthwhile goal...


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