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Re: breaking URLs

From: Jeff Kingston
Subject: Re: breaking URLs
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 08:17:37 +1000

Jim Coker:

> Can someone tell me a way to get Lout to line-break long URL's?

If you put a URL in the @URL field of @Reference, it will break.
Alternatively, you could put this definition in your mydefs:

    export "~" "/" "//"
    def @URL body x
        def "~"  { "~" }
        def "/"  { "/"  &0p }
        def "//" { "//" &0p }


and write e.g. @URL { http://www.cs.usyd.edu.au } with no quotes.
I haven't tested this but it works the same way as the @URL field
of @Reference, which you can find in $(LOUTLIB)/include/dsf.


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