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response to bug reports

From: Jeff Kingston
Subject: response to bug reports
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 13:43:49 +1100

Just a quick not to say what I've been doing about recent bug
reports etc.

* A problem was reported with long citation labels not breaking
  across line boundaries.  A follow-up email suggested that the
  problem was that these lablels are enclsoed in an unbreakable
  @LinkSource symbol.  I've confirmed that this is indeed the
  problem:  Lout generates output which (when converted to PDF)
  allows you to click on a citation label and be jumped to
  the corresponding reference.  Unfortunately, that makes
  the label unbreakable and there is nothing that can be
  done about it.

* A problem was reported with getting a glossary to come
  out when there were appendices as well.  Unfortunately
  this is bang in one of Lout's weakest areas, but I have
  fixed the problem by moving the glossary in books to
  be after the appendices, not before.  That's where the
  documentation says it appears anyway ("just before the

* I've added Haskell to prg2lout for the next release,
  thanks to Thorsten Seitz for that.

* Mark Summerfield (I think it was) reported a problem
  using the new -t flag, which was meant to prevent
  textures (aka patterns) from being used in the
  PostScript output, so that those whose PostScript
  tools could not handle them would not be disturbed.
  I haven't done anything about this since I'm not
  sure how to start.

The changes are for the next release, but I don't plan
to make one very soon, since there does not seem to be
much need for one.  If you disagree, let me know.  You
can patch the glossary problem by editing file
LOUTLIB/include/bookf and moving each occurrence of

    //  @MakeGlossary @Do @GlossaryPart

down a few lines to before

    //  @MakeIndexA @Do @IndexAPart

Rather than make a whole release for this one fix, I
would rather hear more from glossary users first.

Jeff Kingston

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