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Re: [lwip-commits] [SCM] lwIP - A Lightweight TCPIP stack branch, master

From: goldsimon
Subject: Re: [lwip-commits] [SCM] lwIP - A Lightweight TCPIP stack branch, master, updated. master_at_STABLE-2_0_0-736-g10a5afe
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2017 17:35:17 +0200
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

Joel Cunningham wrote:
>Functionally this should be equivalent to TCP/IP thread context
>switching after lwip_netconn_do_send() has completed without actually
>running netif_poll on another thread

Equivalent only as long as tcpip_thread has a higher prior and the queuing 
would not be done from interrupt context...


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