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[lwip-devel] [patch #5952] Integration of AutoIP module

From: Frédéric Bernon
Subject: [lwip-devel] [patch #5952] Integration of AutoIP module
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 12:43:29 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv: Gecko/20070515 Firefox/

Follow-up Comment #32, patch #5952 (project lwip):

>Doesn't the compiler align it automatically, inserting unused memory in
between? What you say should only happen with 'packed' structs! 

You're right, but it seems that I got a problem with this one, and I don't
know why (I have to investigate). Move llipaddr? That was my first idea, if
everyone prefer, why not?

Else, about comment#29, what's your point of view? But There is another
rand() in the autoip's code to remove...


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