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RFC references (was Re: [lwip-devel] MSG_MORE flag for send)

From: Jonathan Larmour
Subject: RFC references (was Re: [lwip-devel] MSG_MORE flag for send)
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 16:20:36 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070530)

Frédéric BERNON wrote:
>> I think you meant page 82 (specifically but yeah I see it
>> there as MAY.
> What RFC reference do you use? rfc.net site is pretty good, since you
> can give links like http://rfc.net/rfc1122.html#p82 , and even like
> http://rfc.net/rfc1122.html#s4.2.2.2, but this last don't work : (

Most times nothing special - I usually just type it into my firefox address
bar, which googles it and tends to take me to faqs.org. I see rfc.net have
muddled their HTML, hence the link issue.

For giving out specific links, in the past I've used
http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/index.htm although that doesn't have
everything on one page. I now see there's one at CMU, e.g.
http://asg.web.cmu.edu/rfc/rfc1122.html which I guess may be the best of
all worlds.

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