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Re: [lwip-devel] memory alignment in 32bit architecture

From: Sprow
Subject: Re: [lwip-devel] memory alignment in 32bit architecture
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 20:37:51 +0000 (GMT)
User-agent: Pluto/2.04e (RISC-OS/4.02) POPstar/2.05

In article <address@hidden>,
   Piero 74 <address@hidden> wrote:
> my micro will generate a data abort exception.
> what solution do you suggest?

ARM7? I doubt it, the abort-on-unaligned-word-load option wasn't added to
the ARM core until architechture 6, which the ARM7 isn't.

Your memory controller might produce an abort, in which case you could write
an exception handler to look at the aborting instruction, do a corresponding
set of byte loads and shifts, store the result in the appropriate register
then return from the abort.

More simply you could look at the assembler output, if I remember IAR right
it outputs correct code but warns you about too for good measure as it's
often a mistake,

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