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Re: [lwip-devel] PPP: Change default MRU

From: Kieran Mansley
Subject: Re: [lwip-devel] PPP: Change default MRU
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2011 09:58:06 +0100

On Tue, 2011-09-06 at 08:22 +0800, narke wrote:
> That's what I guessed. I am afarid, however, without MRU negotiating,
> how
> the peer correctly know this?

I know very little about PPP, so I can't answer your specific question.
The point I was making was that it is often necessary to increase the
default values for lwIP to make it work well with other systems, and
this is possible one such case.  I.e. if it doesn't work for you then
change it so it does.


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