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Re: [lwip-devel] SSL-Library (was: Re: [lwip-commits] [SCM] UNNAMED PROJ

From: Simon Goldschmidt
Subject: Re: [lwip-devel] SSL-Library (was: Re: [lwip-commits] [SCM] UNNAMED PROJECT branch, ppp-new, updated. aa2656cb9e8f6cdd7921fc36d5e00060065058a4)
Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 07:37:56 +0200

Sylvain Rochet <address@hidden> wrote:
> > FWIW: The adaption of the PolarSSL-Library that Texas Instruments
> > distributes with the "StellarisWare" (<http://www.ti.com/tool/sw-lm3s>)
> > is under the following license:
> Humm, is there any requirement like "only if used with TI uC" ?
> Anyway, this is still a bit too restrictive, I guess, for lwIP.

There is a "FOSS License Exception" on the PolarSSL website which might apply 
to us, as long as we don't add other GPL code.

> I am a GPL lover, so I consider what the PolarSSL project does about 
> licenses very fair. If a day I need SSL in an embedded commercial 
> project my company will pay the license fee, and it's worth it.

I respect that people write GPL code, but my company wouldn't allow to use such 
code. I guess we'd pay the license fee, too, if we needed SSL or PPP+MSCHAP.

Being like that, why don't we add the OpenBSD DES implementation for now (even 
if it is bloated) and make it easy to switch to PolarSSL? Without adding the 
code to our repository, everyone is free to chose the license that fits.

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