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[lwip-devel] LWIP: 1.4.1 [RST, ACK] Similar to Bug #34111

From: Don Pitchford
Subject: [lwip-devel] LWIP: 1.4.1 [RST, ACK] Similar to Bug #34111
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2012 13:33:22 -0500

I am having an issue with lWIP 1.4.1 where images are not transfer to the client.    Instead they are receiving [RST, ACK].   This is very similar to Bug #34111 which I thought was fixed in 1.4.1.   (Is that a correct assumption?)

I am wondering if I have some basic options not set correctly.   I am using standard options (lwipopts.h) paramaters.   I know one size doesn't fit all, but a confused on what direction I should look to resolve this issue.

Appreciate any help.   Attached is my wireshark capture and sample webpage / image.



Test ImageTest System


This file transfer fine from SD Micro Card, but, it fails to load the image.

All I get is [RST, ACK] within wireshark during the HTTP GET test.jpg image

Help Please!

Attachment: wiresharkcapture
Description: Binary data

Attachment: test.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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