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Re: [lwip-users] SemSignal gets called on a already signaled semaphore

From: Jonathan Larmour
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] SemSignal gets called on a already signaled semaphore
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2007 12:17:00 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.8-1.1.fc3.4.legacy (X11/20060515)

Goldschmidt Simon wrote:
So waiting on a semaphore would mean:
lock mutex
while (count==0)
 wait on condition variable
unlock mutex

And posting a semaphore:
lock mutex
signal condition variable
unlock mutex


As a clarification of the above example, is the intention for the mutex used by the semaphore pend to be the same as the one

used by the
semaphore post? I imagine not, otherwise the pend would wait on the condition variable with the mutex locked, therefore

preventing a post
from occurring...

It is the same mutex. Condition variables always have a mutex associated with them. When you wait on a CV, the mutex is automatically unlocked by the OS, and when you wake up after the CV is signalled, the OS automatically relocks the mutex before the wait function returns.

Reading that explanation I'm afraid the OSes I use don't have such
condition variables! So making them mandatory for lwIP seems not
such a portable idea to me...

Really? I'm amazed if so. Any OSes I should have heard of, or homegrown? I am sort of assuming that if someone can write a homegrown OS they can implement mutexes/condition variables for it if they need to.

In any case, I think you can implement mutexes/condition variables in terms of semaphores if you also have a unique way to identify a thread. Obviously you wouldn't be able to implement any method of preventing priority inversion, but that's no worse than at present.

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