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Re: [lwip-users] Re: Re: Re: TCP duplicate ACK

From: David Empson
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] Re: Re: Re: TCP duplicate ACK
Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 14:20:25 +1200

Yes, you are right, is PC's IP, and the other is my
board's.  I just have a test connecting PC and my board using a wire,
so the IP address is temporary. I think it does't infulence the test

No, that configuration is fine. I just wanted to check that you weren't intending to use that address in a real world situation or were trying to use it while hooked up to a network which could be routed through to the Internet.

I use the modbus/TCP port from
FreeModbus(http://freemodbus.berlios.de/), just a litte change from
its lwip/MCF5235 port, lwip port from
FreeRTOSV5.1.1(Unsupported_Demos/STR9_lwIP_1_3_0_GCC_SO) and also the
FreeRTOSV5.1.1 RTOS. My board includes a lpc2214 and a enc29j60 b7 net
chip from microchip, net driver is changed from u-boot-2008-10 and
microchip tcp/ip stack. The file is a zip file of the netif driver,
but some comments in the file is written in Chinese not English, I
don't know if this can help.

I have checked modbus/TCP port and found that it use the raw api, but
run in a separate task from the tcpip thread, I don't know if this is
right. The netif ethernetif_input is also a separate task. In the
lwipopt.h file, I #define LWIP_NETCONN  1 and #define LWIP_RAW    1.

Multiple tasks using LWIP could account for some of the problems you are seeing. The LWIP core must only be used from a single task at any time, but mailboxes or similar mechanisms can be used to pass data between tasks. It sounds like most of the pieces you are using are existing code which should be working properly, assuming it was all updated for compatibilty with LWIP 1.3.0. The driver is the piece most likely to have problems, since it was modified from one used with a different TCP/IP stack.

I may not be able to help much further with the specific details of how LWIP is being used in your system, but I hope my initial comments and the details you provided have narrowed down the problem, and may be enough for other people to suggest areas to look, or ways to extract more information. For example, you might be able to turn on some debugging output from LWIP.

There are three separate issues in your previous data capture:

1. Unexpected duplicate Acks. Not a serious problem, but this might be a symptom of something else and I would like to find out if this is known behavoiur of LWIP or if there is an obvious explanation for it.

2. Duplication of the Modbus/TCP response. This is happening at or above the TCP layer, so the driver isn't directly responsible (e.g. it is not sending a duplicate frame). It could still be caused by a bug in your driver, such as not correctly handling data after it has been transmitted (resulting in corruption of pbufs or LWIP's transmit queues), or threading issues involving your driver (resulting in two threads executing code in LWIP at the same time, causing data corruption). It seems more like a higher level problem, such as an application bug.

3. FIN being sent unexpectedly early. I don't know offhand if LWIP can do this by itself, or whether it could only happen as a result of application code calling tcp_close(). This one may be easier to track down.

Forgive my poor English.

Seems pretty good to me.

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