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[lwip-users] Tcp Server on Texas Instrument RM57

From: Julio Cesar Aguilar Zerpa
Subject: [lwip-users] Tcp Server on Texas Instrument RM57
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2016 15:56:47 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.4.0

Hi there,

I am trying to use the LwIP library (1.4.1) to create a simple tcp server on a Texas Instrument RM57.

So far, I could make the "tcpecho_raw" example to work using an static ip.

I also added the following function (which did not work), to be able to send data that wasn't an echo:

void tcpServer_send()
    uint8 data[] = "TEST_DATA";
    struct pbuf* buffer = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, sizeof(data), PBUF_POOL);

    if (buffer)
        sciDisplayText(sciREG1, txt_new_line, sizeof(txt_new_line));
sciDisplayText(sciREG1, "buffer created", sizeof("buffer created"));

        buffer->tot_len = sizeof(data);
        buffer->len = sizeof(data);
        buffer->payload = data;
        tcpecho_es->p = buffer;

        tcpecho_raw_send(tcpecho_raw_pcb, tcpecho_es);

As you can see, the function prints a debug msg ("buffer created"). I modified the function 'tcpecho_raw_send' to also print a debug msg (the data being sent).

When I run the program, I can see the msg "buffer created" every time the function is called, but the msg from 'tcpecho_raw_send' comes only when I close the client! (And the msg is missing the acutal data, btw).

NOTE: I want to build a server that receives some commands and sends a block of data (4KB) every 60 ms. I am using the raw API because I don't want to use blocking functions (from what I understood the netconn API uses blocking functions).

I would appreciate any help.

Best regards,

Julio Aguilar

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