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Re: lynx-dev Flow Chart

From: David Combs
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Flow Chart
Date: Sat, 4 Jul 1998 05:50:00 -0700 (PDT)

Would be nice to see examples of ALL the outputs that
SCA program can do.

Question: what such tools exist on other sites that
people on this list have access to?

And: are there any FREE such tools?

And: what does that SCA program (or other programs) do
with "cycles" and "strong components" in the call-graph,
where a calls b calls c calls d calls b (making a cycle)?

By the way, one COULD take the calls-who report, munge it
into an adjacency list, and feed it into one of these
REALLY COOL and FREE graph-drawing programs that have appeared
in the last two or three years (there's actually a yearly
conference on such software, three years now, with the
proceedings being published by springer via their LCNS
series (no, LNCS, that's it), at $80 or so each vol 
(three so far).  Each yearly conference awards prizes for
the "prettiest" graph drawn, several given graph-structures
and edge-lists, etc.  COOL STUFF!

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