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Re: lynx-dev cernrules.txt

From: Michael Warner
Subject: Re: lynx-dev cernrules.txt
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 17:36:20 -0800

On or about 05 Feb, 1999, Klaus Weide <address@hidden> wrote:


> # in case you find it useful.  Note that this may change or go away in
> # future releases of Lynx; if you find it useful, consider describing your
> # use of it in a message to <address@hidden>.


Well, OK.  It makes a quick and easy replacement for
"--enable-gzip-help".  I stuck in:

RULE:Map file://localhost/PATH/lynx_help/*.html \

and similarly for lynx_help/keystrokes/*.html, ran 'gzip -r
lynx_help', and Bob's your uncle (whatever THAT means).

Another caveat - it seems the specified part of the URL
must match exactly.  My lynx.cfg had the help-file location
as file://localhost/users/wsunix/warner/[...], and using
file://localhost/~/[...] in the RULE didn't seem to work.
Apparently the URL is matched as-is, without tilde expansion?
The comment didn't specify either way, I don't think, just said
the tilde form was OK.  I haven't tried using the tilde in both
places yet.

Now I have, and, at least for me on OSF1 V4.0 878 alpha, neither
/~/ nor /~warner/ seems to work for a file:// URL, even if it's
identical in both the HELPFILE and RULE entries.

My uneducated opinion is that it's worth leaving in, if it
doesn't have too much impact on lynx's size, and I dimly
recall reading that that's the case.

Michael Warner          "You're cute when you're stupid"
<address@hidden>                                -- R.A. Miller

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