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lynx-dev Confused by lynx error message... help!

From: Dave Taylor
Subject: lynx-dev Confused by lynx error message... help!
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 07:41:31 -0700 (PDT)

Greetings Lynx developers!

I'm using lynx in batch mode to do remote searches and return the results
as raw HTML, and it works like a charm 99% of the time, but sporadically
I'll see:

   lynx: Can't access startfile 

But what's confusing is that I'll do another query with the same script
and it'll work just fine.  

I'm running:

  % lynx -version
  Lynx Version 2.8.1rel.2 (1998)
  Copyrights held by the University of Kansas, CERN, and other contributors.
  Distributed under the GNU General Public License.
  See and the online help for more information.

On RedHat Linux r6.0.

The invocation is:

   % lynx -source$pattern

and the output is fed to a variety of Unix commands to extract the
specific information I seek.

Can anyone offer any ideas or insight on how to understand and avoid
this problem in the future?


Dave Taylor                                         address@hidden
Intuitive Systems                                      ICQ: 37334237
My latest books:
  "Creating Cool HTML 4 Web Pages"     
  "Teach Yourself Unix in 24 Hours" 2nd Ed.

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