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lynx-dev I added a new feature -- can I modify other things to make them

From: mattack
Subject: lynx-dev I added a new feature -- can I modify other things to make them nicer?
Date: Sun, 4 Jul 1999 18:58:43 -0700 (PDT)

Wow.. I added an actual worthwhile feature to Lynx, and it worked the first
time.. (WHEW!)  It was only a few lines of code, mostly code reused from
other places, and there are probably things I'm missing, but anyway....

So, I'm using other routines to do most of the work for me..  But can I 
change the format of those routines if their functionality is almost,
but not quite, what I need?

For example, save_bookmark_link doesn't have a return value, but I really
need to know whether the user cancelled to stop the rest of my feature from

My feature is what I whined about last night -- moving bookmarks from 
one bookmark file to another.  Sure, I could just edit the files in an
editor, but for once in a while use, my feature is handier.

Basically -- can I just change things willy nilly even if they end up 
me having to change things not directly involved in my feature (if I change
the proto of save_bookmark_link, I may have to change other things).

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