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lynx-dev LYK_SCRIPT (was .3dev.4 and signals)

From: Heather Stern
Subject: lynx-dev LYK_SCRIPT (was .3dev.4 and signals)
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 12:21:41 -0700 (PDT)

T.E.Dickey wrote:
> -- the other stuff (LYK_SCRIPT for example) didn't go in because people didn't
>    seem to agree it was a Good Thing (I still have the patches of course).

I think LYK_SCRIPT could be quite powerful as a way for users to add their
own preparsers;  I'm just leery of it breaking the cache mechanism, and of
course, granting power to users is not suitable to all sites.

For example, if inserting my own preparser was more easy, I might mess with
logic to seek out the few scraps of javascript I think are interesting that
could be turned into other constructs.  Or experimenting with turning untagged
spacer gif's into a couple of   entities so they'll get their space.
I'm not wired up to rewrite a proxy system, but I can throw together a filter.
It might encourage more inexperienced developers to experiment a little.

If anyone wants to work more seriously on javascript something, drop me a
line and I'm willing to brain dump, noodle, and play sounding board with
you.  I'm not sure whether a "make tiny bits of code work" or a "design
a javascript-like lynx subparser" attitude would work better.  (Other
site notes on the nature of javascript being mildly useless since they 
assume the existence of the object model.)  I'm sure my previous expounding 
on the features users see out of 'em is archived, so there's no point me 
gabbing further in that direction without someone interested in going for it.

* Heather

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