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lynx-dev few typos in README.TRST (patch)

From: Leonid Pauzner
Subject: lynx-dev few typos in README.TRST (patch)
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 16:19:25 +0300 (MSK)

docs/README.TRST file:

diff -u old/readme.trs ./readme.trs
--- old/readme.trs      Thu Oct 21 03:20:36 1999
+++ ./readme.trs        Tue Nov 16 15:06:42 1999
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@
 And that's exactly what TRST does.  An implementation based on the
 simple observation above is relatively straightforward, for simple
 tables.  On encountering the start of a TABLE element, Lynx generates
-output as ususal for LMTS.  But it also keeps track of cell positions
+output as usual for LMTS.  But it also keeps track of cell positions
 and lengths in parallel.  If all goes well, that additional information
 is used to fix up the already formatted output lines when the TABLE
 ends.  If not all goes well, the table was not 'simple' enough, the
 additional processing is cancelled.  One advantage is that we always
-have a 'safe' fallback to well-understood traditional LTMS formatting:
+have a 'safe' fallback to well-understood traditional LMTS formatting:
 TRST won't make more complex tables look worse than before.

 So what are 'simple' tables?  A table is simple enough if each of its TR
-rows translates into at most one display line in LTMS formatting (excluding
+rows translates into at most one display line in LMTS formatting (excluding
 leading and trailing line breaks), and the width required by each row
-(before as well as after fixup) does not exceed the availabe screen size.
-Note that his excludes all tables where some of the cells are marked up as
+(before as well as after fixup) does not exceed the available screen size.
+Note that this excludes all tables where some of the cells are marked up as
 block elements ('paragraphs').  Tables that include nested TABLE elements
 are always specifically excluded, but the inner tables may be subject to
 TRST handling.  Also excluded are some constructs that indicate that markup
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
 used in a way that can benefit from the TRST approach.  Parts of such
 tables may still end up getting shifted left or right by the TRST code
 when that doesn't improve anything, but I haven't seen it make things
-relly worse so far (with the current code).
+really worse so far (with the current code).

 TRST and Partial Display

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