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Re: lynx-dev Display of SGML Greek Math entities -- solution

From: Henry Nelson
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Display of SGML Greek Math entities -- solution
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 12:27:04 +0900 (JST)

> legacy encodings. That's why I suggested Lynx makes use of iconv(3)
> for conversions between various encodings.

And as I pointed out, it's a wonderful suggestion, but requires that
someone implement it.  Can you write the code?

[Did you see my reply that tells you that the CJK code in Lynx does
automatic decoding between SJIS, euc-jp and iso-2202-jp?]

>   It's really strange that Henry's screenshot showed Greek characters
> represented both in EUC-JP encoding and in NCRs as Greek characters

FINALLY someone who understands.  As with ANY character set that does
not have a Unicode character within it's repertoire, Lynx has no choice
but to fall back to "def7_uni.tbl" to represent it.  Lynx would probably
core dump if it did not have a default, i.e., I suspect "def7_uni.tbl"
or some file containing DEFAULT=1 must be compiled in.

Say you don't like "A" as a representation for "Α".  Maybe you want
to see "Alpha."  Well, all you have to do is replace the line "U+0391:A"
with "U+0391:Alpha".  Not so hard.  There's nothing to prevent you from
doing "U+0391:$B&!(B" either.


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