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Re: [Lynx-dev] pretty-src coloring breaks

From: Rado S
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] pretty-src coloring breaks
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 18:17:34 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.14cvs (2007-02-25)

=- Thomas Dickey wrote on Mon 19.Feb'07 at 18:37:14 -0500 -=

> Perhaps a screenshot and a copy of the ".lss" file that you're
> using for a test (I'm just using the default lynx.lss).

I'm preparing this, ready soon.

> Also, I notice the remark about nxterm - that's not what I'd use
> unless perhaps for the Solaris color xterm (since my xterm has the
> bce flag set). Omitting bce when it should be set can result in odd
> color effects (there's a lesser problem in the other direction).

Solaris 8 has no color xterm, but I'm using your xterm on SuSE10.1
Linux anyway, remember: begin in your (color) xterm, ssh to
solaris 8 with ncurses 5.2, there start lynx.

I've heared about BackgroundColorErase, though I have no idea
which influence it has on my observations. With my above setup,
what should I do about bce in my Xdefaults or TERM?
"xterm" has no color and it's the only difference to "nxterm".
Most stuff (lynx, mutt, tin, irssi) works ok in this setup.

------ QUOTE BEGIN ------
comparing xterm to nxterm.
    comparing booleans.
    comparing numbers.
        max_colors: NULL, 8.
        max_pairs: NULL, 64.
    comparing strings.
        orig_pair: NULL, '\E[m'.
        set_a_background: NULL, '\E[4%p1%dm'.
        set_a_foreground: NULL, '\E[3%p1%dm'.
------- QUOTE END -------

© Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal!
EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude.
You're responsible for ALL of it: you get what you give.

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