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[Lynx-dev] and lynx; colors on INS: or DEL:

From: rbell
Subject: [Lynx-dev] and lynx; colors on INS: or DEL:
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2022 12:13:07 -0600

        Wrote Jude DaShiell, 'I noticed in the options box for lynx
was all manner of strange accent characters but links filtered those
out.  Can I set something on lynx to have lynx filter those characters
out too?'
        I don't see it.  Perhaps the character set?  found in the
options menu.

        Wrote "jindam, vani", 'i want to assign or view background or
foreground colors for INS: or DEL:'
        Would setting colors for ins and del in the main styles help?
I just set:


in the first section and the foreground colors came out as specified
but the background remained the default.  I've never used prettysource
so I'll leave that to experts.

russell bell

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