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[Mailutils-i18n] site

From: Edna Patel
Subject: [Mailutils-i18n] site
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 07:44:05 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

The toll of Iraqi dead and wounded is of an order of magnitude greater than the American.
In any event, not one of the detainees has been convicted of anything resembling a terrorist act.
Some of the money that has been pumped into it has been leached from other education programs, dozens of which are slated for cuts next year. Many of its provisions, such as allowing broader information-sharing among investigative agencies, are sensible.
But for tax cuts to stimulate economic activity quickly and efficiently they should go to people who will spend the extra money. The Senate has confirmed two hundred and one of his judicial nominees, more than the per-term averages for Presidents Clinton, Reagan, and Bush senior.
However, nobody in Washington expects them to go away on schedule; they were designated as temporary only to make their ultimate results look less scary.
He made no such effort. Many of its provisions, such as allowing broader information-sharing among investigative agencies, are sensible.
Nowhere has his solipsism been more damaging than in the case of Iraq. Bush has said more than once that Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas are his favorite justices.
It was not contemplated for any length of time.
Many of its provisions, such as allowing broader information-sharing among investigative agencies, are sensible.
Al Qaeda, previously an insignificant presence in Iraq, is an important one now. American military deaths have mounted to more than a thousand, a number that underplays the real level of suffering: among the eight thousand wounded are many who have been left seriously maimed.
Still, the rich do better, to put it mildly.
The first two of these assumptions have been shown to be entirely baseless. As for the second two, if the wishes behind them do someday come true, it may not be clear that the invasion of Iraq was a help rather than a hindrance.
The first two of these assumptions have been shown to be entirely baseless. Are we better off today than we were four years ago?
In doing its calculations, the C.
At the time, there was a lot of talk about what to do with the anticipated bounty, a discussion that now seems antique. Warlords control much of Afghanistan outside the capital of Kabul, which is the extent of the territorial writ of the decent but beleaguered President Hamid Karzai.
Then came the blackest Tuesday of all. The United States has become mired in a low-intensity guerrilla war that has taken more lives since the mission was declared to be accomplished than before. Within a few days, to the universal relief of his fellow-citizens, he seemed to find his focus.
Then came the blackest Tuesday of all. At the time, there was a lot of talk about what to do with the anticipated bounty, a discussion that now seems antique.
American military deaths have mounted to more than a thousand, a number that underplays the real level of suffering: among the eight thousand wounded are many who have been left seriously maimed. We prefer to ask which candidate is better suited to the governance of our nation. But for tax cuts to stimulate economic activity quickly and efficiently they should go to people who will spend the extra money. He made no such effort.

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