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[Maposmatic-dev] [PATCH] Add a specific INSTALL file to install ocitysma

From: Gaël UTARD
Subject: [Maposmatic-dev] [PATCH] Add a specific INSTALL file to install ocitysmap on Debian unstable.
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 11:49:15 +0100

 INSTALL.Debian_unstable |  149 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 149 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 INSTALL.Debian_unstable

diff --git a/INSTALL.Debian_unstable b/INSTALL.Debian_unstable
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e3bc58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INSTALL.Debian_unstable
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+OCitySmap installation instructions for Debian unstable
+These instructions refer to Debian unstable packages. For other
+distributions, minor adaptations might be needed.
+ 1. Installation of PostgreSQL and PostGIS
+    sudo aptitude install postgresql-8.4-postgis postgresql-contrib-8.4
+ 2. Creation of a new PostgreSQL user
+    sudo -u postgres createuser -P maposmatic
+    Enter the password twice, and say no to "superuser", "be allowed
+    to create databases", "be allowed to create more new roles".
+ 3. Creation of the database
+    sudo -u postgres createdb -E UTF8 -O maposmatic maposmatic
+    (see
+    You can now try to connect to the database, using:
+    psql -h localhost -U maposmatic maposmatic
+    If it doesn't work, fix your configuration
+ 4. Enable PostGIS on the database
+    PostGIS is in fact a set of functions and datatypes for
+    PostgreSQL, and every PostgreSQL database needing these features
+    must be initialized as follows. We do this initialization of the
+    database with superuser privileges, and then later fix the table
+    owners so that our normal user can use the database.
+    a. Enable the plpgsql language on the maposmatic database
+    sudo -u postgres createlang plpgsql maposmatic
+    b. Add the low-level PostGIS infrastructure
+    sudo -u postgres \
+         psql \
+              -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis.sql \
+              -d maposmatic
+    c. Add the list of spatial referential systems
+    sudo -u postgres \
+         psql \
+              -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/spatial_ref_sys.sql \
+              -d maposmatic
+    d. Add the intarray extension for diff files support (osc)
+    sudo -u postgres \
+         psql \
+              -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/_int.sql \
+              -d maposmatic
+    e. Change the owner of the new tables to maposmatic
+    echo "ALTER TABLE geometry_columns OWNER TO maposmatic;
+          ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys OWNER TO maposmatic;" | \
+    sudo -u postgres psql -d maposmatic
+ 5. Installation of osm2pgsql
+    sudo aptitude install osm2pgsql
+ 6. Download the OSM data
+    For the moment OCitySMap only supports France (contributors are
+    welcome to adapt the few parts of OCitySMap that are
+    country-specific).
+    wget
+ 7. Import the OSM data
+    osm2pgsql -S '/usr/share/osm2pgsql/' \
+              -s -c -d maposmatic -m -U maposmatic -W \
+              -H localhost france.osm.bz2
+    If you have a lot of RAM, remove '-s', it will make the import
+    faster.
+ 8. Install Mapnik
+    sudo aptitude install python-mapnik
+ 9. Install Mapnik-OSM
+    Mapnik-OSM is the set of files that tell Mapnik how to render
+    OpenStreetMap maps.
+    a. Download
+    svn checkout 
+    b. Installation of static data
+    In addition to the OpenStreetMap data, some other static data are
+    used to render the maps (world boundaries, etc.)
+    wget
+    cd /path/to/mapnik-osm/
+    tar xzf ~/download/world_boundaries-spherical.tgz
+    wget
+    unzip -j -d /path/to/mapnik-osm/world_boundaries
+    wget
+    tar xjf ~/download/shoreline_300.tar.bz2 -C 
+    c. Configuration
+    python ./ --dbname maposmatic --host 'localhost' \
+                             --user maposmatic --port 5432 \
+                             --password 'waeleephoo3Aew3u' \
+10. Installation of OCitySMap
+    a. Grab the sources
+    git clone git://
+    b. Initialize OCitySMap SQL stuff
+    psql -h localhost  \
+         -U maposmatic \
+         -f /path/to/ocitysmap/ocitysmap-init.sql \
+         -d maposmatic
+    c. Install dependencies
+    sudo aptitude install python-pygresql python-gdal
+    d. Configuration file
+    Create a ~/.ocitysmap.conf configuration file, modeled after the
+    provided ocitysmap.conf file.
+ 11. Run OCitySMap
+    ./ocitysmap-render -f png -c Sanguinet

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