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[microdc-devel] refresh filelist startup suggestion

From: GS
Subject: [microdc-devel] refresh filelist startup suggestion
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 00:01:30 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080213)

Hi there,

I'm using microdc2 and I'm very satisfied - thanx for great work.

Only one thing is annoying me:
I run multiple instances microdc2 with the same filelist and at startup, microdc is always refreshing it (on my slow computer and bigger filelist it takes days to finish refresh and eat all cpu and memory). Is there any option to turn off this startup refreshing? (another solution will be multiple hub connection, but imho it's lots of work).

The best solution for me should be:
-switch to turn off filelist refresh (forever)
-command to initiate refresh

Is it possible?

Best regards



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