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Re: [Mifluz-dev] Question re. word data

From: Søren Raunsbæk Jørgensen
Subject: Re: [Mifluz-dev] Question re. word data
Date: 28 Jan 2002 16:03:59 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0807 (Gnus v5.8.7) Emacs/20.7

"Steven J. DeRose" <address@hidden> writes:

> I've been looking at the MiFluz doc, and it looks quite nice. I'm
> wondering what it would take to enhance it to support storing the
> scope or extent of a token, rather than just a single integer
> The goal for me would be to make it able to do containment and
> structure queries on hierarchical data, particularly mbox files and
> XML. By storing a "word" record with start and end offset for each XML
> element, or each MIME mail message (and maybe each MIME header line),
> mifluz could find words only when they occur in a certain context.

I believe that you should take a look at
"wordlist_wordkey_description", "wordlist_wordkey_document" and
"wordkey_location"; in the mifluz doc.

> A quick look suggests this would mainly involve adding a new record
> type besides DATA and STRING, and adding the necessary APIs to get
> them in, found, and out.

If you need to record a word for each entry you make in the mifluz db,
take a look at "wordlist_wordrecord_description" in the mifluz doc.

Soeren Raunsbaek Joergensen

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