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Re: [Mingw-cross-env-list] make file for *shared* Qt

From: Mark Brand
Subject: Re: [Mingw-cross-env-list] make file for *shared* Qt
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 14:03:47 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091130 SUSE/3.0.0-17.1 Thunderbird/3.0

>> This variant of qt.mk does not belong in the mingw-cross-env repo
>> because it builds shared Qt libraries, but for that reason I thought it
>> might be useful to some people. It also builds WebKit.
> I've done something similar, but I failed trying to push it a step
> further:
> I want something like "qtshared.mk" that installs a shared version of
> Qt instead of a static one, 

I maintain a separate mingw-cross-env clone where I use my modified
"shared" qt.mk.

> since a shared Qt is by far more usable then a static one, e.g. the
> plugin interface (QPlugin) does not work with a static build. Since
> one of my application depends on that, the static Qt is not usable for
> me at all.

There are indeed some things that require shared Qt libs, such as
WebKit, but plugins as such should work.

Check the Qt documentation on static plugins for the extra steps:


Please read that before trying to understand the next paragraph.

A remaining issue arises when your static Qt plugin depends on a static
library outside Qt. This obviously comes up in mingw-cross-env. For
example, qsqlpsql might depend on pq. In such cases "QTPLUGIN +=
qsqlpsql" is not enough to get qmake to create a Makefile that links to
pq.  What seems to work is "QTPLUGIN += qsqlpsql pq", but I don't know
if this is the best way to solve the problem.

> Can anyone point me out on the tripwires on creating qtshared.mk.

Have you tried the "shared" qt.mk I posted?



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