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Re: [Mingw-cross-env-list] Geda/PCB build

From: Tony Theodore
Subject: Re: [Mingw-cross-env-list] Geda/PCB build
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2013 19:12:04 +1100

On 03/03/2013, at 2:44 AM, Enoch <address@hidden> wrote:

> There is a solution, can you add geda-gaf and geda-pcb to MXE make
> targets.

MXE's focus is on compilers, libraries, and interpreters (developer tools in 
general). Where an application is useful for developers (say gdb.exe or 
sqlite.exe) we'll include it, but neither of the geda projects fall into that 
category. We're happy to help with any build issues you encounter, and welcome 
any proposals to make mxe more useful, but we can't take on building a 
project's applications.

> There you can patch their gd config as you like.

Both minipack and mxe have to work around this, so it's better to get it fixed 

> Hearing that
> perhaps we can draw the attention of some of their developers.

You may get more traction if you give them something more concrete to work on. 
For example, build PCB and share it with some of your colleagues/clients. 
Gather some feedback then approach the geda team with "I've built PCB using mxe 
like this… and done some testing with x people. All these functions work… and 
these don't… Additionally, people like the single file static executable…" The 
number of users in your test only has to be greater than zero ;)

For the things that don't work, you can check against the "official" version to 
see if it's an mxe related issue, then ask here for some help. Try to be 
specific about any issues you're having and narrow them down. For example, the 
gd patches and minipack mentioned in your initial question are largely red 
herrings - an mxe build of this would have worked six months ago if it was 
framed as a technical question with the supporting logs etc.



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