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Re: [Mingw-cross-env-list] Call for shared library requests (was: Releas

From: Tobias Gruetzmacher
Subject: Re: [Mingw-cross-env-list] Call for shared library requests (was: Release plan for next master -> stable) release
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2014 00:16:30 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)


On Mon, Aug 04, 2014 at 09:53:50PM +0200, Stefan Gehn wrote:
> From first experiments I'd say that one major roadblock for the shared
> builds to be usable is solving https://github.com/mxe/mxe/issues/420. For
> example when omitting the current gtk2 patchset I were able to at least
> build Gtk+ 2 just fine (I didn't get around actually trying it though since
> Sunday was over by then).
> In case I get all dependencies built and working for GKrellM I'll try to do
> a pull-request to solve #420.

IMHO, #420 is a non-issue. We should try to avoid patches which are
static/shared specific. If we take the exemplary
cairo-2-static-init.patch we can see that this patch can be made better
like so:


Yes, this must be decided for each patch we ship, but I think this gets
better results in the long run.

Best case: We can write patches in such a way that they can be applied
upstream and we can drop them on the next upstream release.

Just my $0.02

Regards, Tobias

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