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[Mingw-cross-env-list] Why BOOST_USE_WINDOWS_H defined by default in MXE

From: Arseniy Shestakov
Subject: [Mingw-cross-env-list] Why BOOST_USE_WINDOWS_H defined by default in MXE patch?
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 04:40:40 +0300

I recently find out about MXE and start using it for project I work on. In process I'm got multiple conflicts with constant and struct names that didn't happen for other developer. More details available there:

I'd recently back to it and find out that reason of conflicts was BOOST_USE_WINDOWS_H set by default in MXE boost patch: https://github.com/mxe/mxe/blob/a8df43d1324294522bde66f2c5d5f9f6d43476e6/src/boost-1-fixes.patch

Then I get rid of that part of patch and successfully built everything without BOOST_USE_WINDOWS_H and it's worked fine for me. I tried to find out why that was needed, but didn't manage to find any details on github.

So I now wonder why BOOST_USE_WINDOWS_H was needed in interlocked.hpp? Is it still needed?

- Arseniy

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