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[Mldonkey-commits] Changes to mldonkey/src/daemon/driver/driverCommands.

From: mldonkey-commits
Subject: [Mldonkey-commits] Changes to mldonkey/src/daemon/driver/
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2005 12:05:43 -0400

Index: mldonkey/src/daemon/driver/
diff -u mldonkey/src/daemon/driver/ 
--- mldonkey/src/daemon/driver/   Sun Oct 16 20:42:50 2005
+++ mldonkey/src/daemon/driver/        Sun Oct 23 16:05:41 2005
@@ -1867,18 +1867,27 @@
      "disk", Arg_one (fun arg o ->
          let buf = o.conn_buf in
+        let print_i64o = function
+          | None -> "Unknown"
+          | Some v -> Printf.sprintf "%Ld" v in
          Printf.bprintf buf "working on dir %s\n" arg;
-         Printf.bprintf buf "bsize %Ld\n" (Unix32.bsize arg);
-         Printf.bprintf buf "blocks %Ld\n" (Unix32.blocks arg);
-         Printf.bprintf buf "bfree %Ld\n" (Unix32.bfree arg);
-         Printf.bprintf buf "bavail %Ld\n" (Unix32.bavail arg);
-         Printf.bprintf buf "fnamelen %Ld\n" (Unix32.fnamelen arg);
+         Printf.bprintf buf "bsize %s\n" (print_i64o (Unix32.bsize arg));
+         Printf.bprintf buf "blocks %s\n" (print_i64o (Unix32.blocks arg));
+         Printf.bprintf buf "bfree %s\n" (print_i64o (Unix32.bfree arg));
+         Printf.bprintf buf "bavail %s\n" (print_i64o (Unix32.bavail arg));
+         Printf.bprintf buf "fnamelen %s\n" (print_i64o (Unix32.fnamelen arg));
          Printf.bprintf buf "filesystem %s\n" (Unix32.filesystem arg);
-         Printf.bprintf buf "disktotal %Ld - %s\n" (Unix32.disktotal arg) 
(size_of_int64 (Unix32.disktotal arg));
-         Printf.bprintf buf "diskfree %Ld - %s\n" (Unix32.diskfree arg) 
(size_of_int64 (Unix32.diskfree arg));
-         Printf.bprintf buf "diskused %Ld - %s\n" (Unix32.diskused arg) 
(size_of_int64 (Unix32.diskused arg));
-         Printf.bprintf buf "percentused %d\n" (Unix32.percentused arg);
-         Printf.bprintf buf "percentfree %d\n" (Unix32.percentfree arg);
+        let print_i64o_amount = function 
+          | None -> "Unknown"
+          | Some v -> Printf.sprintf "%Ld - %s" v (size_of_int64 v) in
+         Printf.bprintf buf "disktotal %s\n" (print_i64o_amount 
(Unix32.disktotal arg));
+         Printf.bprintf buf "diskfree %s\n" (print_i64o_amount 
(Unix32.diskfree arg));
+         Printf.bprintf buf "diskused %s\n" (print_i64o_amount 
(Unix32.diskused arg));
+        let print_percento = function
+          | None -> "Unknown"
+          | Some p -> Printf.sprintf "%d%%" p in
+         Printf.bprintf buf "percentused %s\n" (print_percento 
(Unix32.percentused arg));
+         Printf.bprintf buf "percentfree %s\n" (print_percento 
(Unix32.percentfree arg));
          _s ""
      ), "debug command (example: disk .)";
@@ -1943,13 +1952,16 @@
-               (if (Unix32.diskused dir) = -1L then "---"
-                  else (size_of_int64 (Unix32.diskused dir)))
-               (if (Unix32.diskfree dir) = -1L then "---"
-                  else (size_of_int64 (Unix32.diskfree dir)))
-               (if (Unix32.percentfree dir) = (-1) then "---"
-                  else string_of_int(Unix32.percentfree dir))
-                   (Unix32.filesystem dir);
+               (match Unix32.diskused dir with
+               | None -> "---"
+               | Some du -> size_of_int64 du)
+               (match Unix32.diskfree dir with
+               | None -> "---"
+               | Some df -> size_of_int64 df)
+               (match Unix32.percentfree dir with
+               | None -> "---"
+               | Some p -> Printf.sprintf "%d%%" p)
+               (Unix32.filesystem dir);
@@ -1969,12 +1981,15 @@
-             (if (Unix32.diskused dir) = -1L then "---"
-               else (size_of_int64 (Unix32.diskused dir)))
-             (if (Unix32.diskfree dir) = -1L then "---"
-               else (size_of_int64 (Unix32.diskfree dir)))
-             (if (Unix32.percentfree dir) = (-1) then "---"
-               else string_of_int(Unix32.percentfree dir))
+             (match Unix32.diskused dir with
+             | None -> "---"
+             | Some du -> size_of_int64 du)
+             (match Unix32.diskfree dir with
+             | None -> "---"
+             | Some df -> size_of_int64 df)
+             (match Unix32.percentfree dir with
+             | None -> "---"
+             | Some p -> Printf.sprintf "%d%%" p)
              (Unix32.filesystem dir);
            let dir = Sys.getcwd () in
@@ -1993,12 +2008,15 @@
-             (if (Unix32.diskused dir) = -1L then "---"
-               else (size_of_int64 (Unix32.diskused dir)))
-             (if (Unix32.diskfree dir) = -1L then "---"
-               else (size_of_int64 (Unix32.diskfree dir)))
-             (if (Unix32.percentfree dir) = (-1) then "---"
-               else string_of_int(Unix32.percentfree dir))
+             (match Unix32.diskused dir with
+             | None -> "---"
+             | Some du -> size_of_int64 du)
+             (match Unix32.diskfree dir with
+             | None -> "---"
+             | Some df -> size_of_int64 df)
+             (match Unix32.percentfree dir with
+             | None -> "---"
+             | Some p -> Printf.sprintf "%d%%" p)
              (Unix32.filesystem dir);
             Printf.bprintf buf 

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