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[Mldonkey-commits] mldonkey distrib/ChangeLog src/utils/net/

From: mldonkey-commits
Subject: [Mldonkey-commits] mldonkey distrib/ChangeLog src/utils/net/
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 20:06:50 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/mldonkey
Module name:    mldonkey
Changes by:     spiralvoice <address@hidden>    06/03/01 20:06:50

Modified files:
        distrib        : ChangeLog 
        src/utils/net  : 

Log message:
        patch #4939


Index: mldonkey/distrib/ChangeLog
diff -u mldonkey/distrib/ChangeLog:1.755 mldonkey/distrib/ChangeLog:1.756
--- mldonkey/distrib/ChangeLog:1.755    Wed Mar  1 20:04:09 2006
+++ mldonkey/distrib/ChangeLog  Wed Mar  1 20:06:50 2006
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+4939: Support for compressed ipfilter.dat files (.gz, .bz2 or .zip) (pango)
 4930: giFT GUI: Authentication support (pango)
 - login with giFTcurs now has to be done like this: giFTcurs -p user:password
Index: mldonkey/src/utils/net/
diff -u mldonkey/src/utils/net/ 
--- mldonkey/src/utils/net/       Thu Jan 19 02:13:19 2006
+++ mldonkey/src/utils/net/    Wed Mar  1 20:06:50 2006
@@ -234,67 +234,66 @@
 let load filename =
-   lprintf_nl () "loading %s" filename;
-   if Sys.file_exists filename then
-   let ext = String.lowercase (Filename2.extension filename) in
+  lprintf_nl () "loading %s" filename;
+  if Sys.file_exists filename then
     let last_ext = String.lowercase (Filename2.last_extension filename) in
-    let real_ext = if last_ext = ".zip" then
-      last_ext
-    else
-      ext
-    in
-      match real_ext with
-        ".zip" ->
-          begin
-          try
-            let ic = Zip.open_in filename in
-            try
-              let file = Zip.find_entry ic "guarding.p2p" in
-                Zip.close_in ic;
-                lprintf_nl () "guarding.p2p found in zip file";
-                let _ = Misc.archive_extract filename "zip" in
-                load_merge bl_empty file.Zip.filename true
-              with e ->
-                begin
-                  try
-                    let file = Zip.find_entry ic "guarding_full.p2p" in
-                      Zip.close_in ic;
-                      lprintf_nl () "guarding_full.p2p found in zip file";
-                      let _ = Misc.archive_extract filename "zip" in
-                      load_merge bl_empty file.Zip.filename true
-                    with e ->
-                      Zip.close_in ic;
-                      lprintf_nl () "Exception %s while extracting 
guarding.p2p/guarding_full.p2p from %s"
-                        (Printexc2.to_string e) filename;
-                      lprintf_nl () "One of the mentioned files has to be 
present in the zip file";
-                      bl_empty
-                end
-            with e ->
-              lprintf_nl () "Exception %s while opening %s"
-                (Printexc2.to_string e) filename;
-              bl_empty
-          end
-       | ".bz2" | ".p2p.bz2" | ".gz" | ".p2p.gz" ->
-          begin
-            let filetype =
-              if ext = ".bz2" || ext = ".p2p.bz2" then "bz2" else "gz" in
-            try
-                let s = Misc.archive_extract filename filetype in
-                  load_merge bl_empty s true
-              with e ->
-                lprintf_nl () "Exception %s while extracting from %s"
-                  (Printexc2.to_string e) filename;
-                  bl_empty
-          end
-       | ".tar.bz2" | ".p2p.tar.bz2" | ".tar.gz" | ".p2p.tar.gz" ->
+    if last_ext = ".zip" then
+      let filenames_list = 
+       ["guarding.p2p"; "guarding_full.p2p"; "ipfilter.dat"] in
+      (try
+       let ic = Zip.open_in filename in
+       try
+         let rec find_in_zip l =
+           match l with
+             | [] -> raise Not_found
+             | h :: q ->
+                 try
+                   let file = Zip.find_entry ic h in
+                   lprintf_nl () "%s found in zip file" h;
+                   ignore(Misc.archive_extract filename "zip");
+                   load_merge bl_empty file.Zip.filename true
+                 with Not_found ->
+                   find_in_zip q in
+         let bl = find_in_zip filenames_list in
+         Zip.close_in ic;
+         bl
+       with e ->
+         Zip.close_in ic;
+         lprintf_nl () "Exception %s while extracting %s from %s"
+           (Printexc2.to_string e) 
+           (String.concat "/" filenames_list)
+           filename;
+         lprintf_nl () "One of the mentioned files has to be present in the 
zip file";
+         bl_empty
+      with e ->
+       lprintf_nl () "Exception %s while opening %s"
+         (Printexc2.to_string e)
+         filename;
+       bl_empty)
+    else     
+      let ext = String.lowercase (Filename2.extension filename) in
+      match ext with
+       | ".bz2" | ".p2p.bz2" | ".dat.bz2" 
+       | ".gz"  | ".p2p.gz"  | ".dat.gz" ->
+           let filetype =
+             if String2.check_suffix ext ".bz2" then "bz2" else "gz" in
+           (try
+             let s = Misc.archive_extract filename filetype in
+             load_merge bl_empty s true
+           with e ->
+             lprintf_nl () "Exception %s while extracting from %s"
+               (Printexc2.to_string e) filename;
+             bl_empty)
+        | ".tar.bz2" | ".p2p.tar.bz2" | ".dat.tar.bz2"
+        | ".tar.gz" | ".p2p.tar.gz" | ".dat.tar.gz" ->
            lprintf_nl () "tar files are not (yet) supported, please untar %s" 
-       | _ -> load_merge bl_empty filename false
-   else
-     begin
-       lprintf_nl () "file %s not found" filename;
-       bl_empty
-     end
+        | _ -> load_merge bl_empty filename false
+  else
+    begin
+      lprintf_nl () "file %s not found" filename;
+      bl_empty
+    end
 let of_list l =
   let rec of_list_aux l bl =

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