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[Mldonkey-users] binary and buffer overflow

From: Alois
Subject: [Mldonkey-users] binary and buffer overflow
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2002 14:15:13 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20120912

>AR> could anyone please mail me the binaries of his mldonkey with the latest pango-patch?
>AR> I would really like to test the new patch.
>Did anyone send you this yet? If not, would a 686 compiled linux
>version be OK?
Hi crazee_canuck,
Thanks for your offer. But I have already found a binary version on It's the pango binary of nov-28. And right now, it seems that I solved my ocaml problem and I'm trying to compile the latest version right now.

Another thing:
When I try to change new options like "force high id" via the GUI, the GUI crashes and the console output of MLdonkey says something like BUFFER OVERFLOW 999958 + 54 > 1000000

Downloads are working very nice and bandwith limitation seems to work. And I'm surprised, but a max of 200 sources per file is really better than 1000.

@pango and the other coders:
Thank you for your nice patch. It's very good that Mldonkey's great work is continued. I'd really like to help you, but my programming skills are too bad.

Do Emule Clients, who block their upload to me, also block their downloads from me?

P.S.: Due to problems with my E-Mail provider , this mail could appear more than one time. I'm sorry for this and will use my other E-Mail provider for posting on the list in the future.

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