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[Mldonkey-users] Release 2.4

From: Michael Panteleit
Subject: [Mldonkey-users] Release 2.4
Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 12:24:32 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1001 (Gnus v5.10.1) XEmacs/21.4 (Common Lisp, linux)


I'm really a little bit disappointed about the release strategy of the
mldonkey project.

Why is an untested version, like this 2.4 released as a new stable? 
Now would be the right time for the real release candidates, for
testing by the user base.

Don't get me wrong, I'm really a fan of mldonkey and I appreciate the
work that is put in the development. 

If something of the above sounds rude, forgive me as I'm still having
problems with the english language.

Well, here is my report on running mldonkey-2.4 the first time:

Why does mldonkey overwrite my options with default ones? All options
which are not in downlaods.ini anymore are lost. It's really a pain in
the ass. First time I wondered why mld didn't download anything, it
was because mld set the donkey-port back to 4662, which blocked by my

Please start stdout with "this is version x.xx"

Remove output Error loading ./comments.met:, it's rather a warning,
create comments.met

What is: "Connection refused : connect" , users often believe mld
couldn't connect to servers

Please put "use_file_history" to false as a default. Many many many
users complain about the high memory usage of mldonkey.

What is max_reask_delay? Hasn't it to be below 1800, because eMules
drop clients out of their queue if they don't ask every half an hour?

What about the "old_files" entries? Are the option meant to grow
forever? I guess a lot of people downloaded hundreds, if not
thousands, of files.

Isn't it possible to remove overnet-peers from servers.ini? Another
file would be nicer.

Is max_source_age now a number which counts days or 12-hours? 
donkey_expert.ini says days.

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