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Re: 'monit stop' and 'monit restart' too dangerous?

From: Jan-Henrik Haukeland
Subject: Re: 'monit stop' and 'monit restart' too dangerous?
Date: 30 Jan 2003 19:55:50 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Civil Service)

<address@hidden> writes:

> This is another one that I don't agree with. It's like logging into a
> machine that aliases "rm" to "rm -i". It's annoying.

I agree with Rory on both these issues, that is, on both reload and
start/stop/restart. monit should work as most unix tools does; if you
execute a command it's executed without any more hassle. This may come
as a chock for windows users who expect at least one dialog box saying
stuff like [Are you really sure you want to do this?].  monit's target
audience are Unix folks and (although they may get burned from time to
time) would/should appreciate the Unix "just do it" style :-)

Jan-Henrik Haukeland

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