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Re: file/directory/device services

From: Martin Pala
Subject: Re: file/directory/device services
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2003 13:25:39 +0200
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Jan-Henrik Haukeland wrote:

I have started to test this a bit more now. And one thing I react to
is that there is a start/stop program defined for such a service. I'm
not sure what I shall think about that :-) Well I can see that it may
be useful, but it also looks very strange.

I use this test entry:

check file monitlog with path /home/hauk/monitlog
  if timestamp /home/hauk/monitlog was changed then stop
  alert address@hidden

I tested now by removing the file and monit sent a restart event for
the file:

        From: address@hidden
        Subject: monit alert --  Restarted monitlog
        To: address@hidden
        Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2003 02:57:41 +0200
Restarted Service monitlog
        Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2003 02:57:41 +0200
        Host: 9muf0e
        Your faithful employee,
        Event: file 'monitlog' doesn't exist

I'm not sure this behaviour is appropriate for this service?
I may be wrong but I was thinking more along the lines that a
file/device/dir. check is kind of binary at least at the fundamental
level. That is; either it exist or it doesn't and if it doesn't it is
an error. So instead of using start/stop maybe the following entry
example looks more logical?

check file monitlog with path /home/hauk/monitlog
  if not exist then exec "<program>
  if timestamp /home/hauk/monitlog was changed then stop
  alert address@hidden

But on the other hand if the service is a device it *is* meaningful to
have start/stop programs:

check device hda with path /dev/hda5
 start "mount /dev/hda5 /usr/local/"
 stop  "umount /usr/local/"
 if not exist then alert
 alert address@hidden

Well, I'm not sure :-) maybe start/stop is good? What are your
thoughts Martin?
My original thoughs were:

1.) from logical point of view to have one common parent (ancestor) class, which will contain all common attributes (such as start and stop methods definition, alert statements, timeout, etc.) and specialized child (descendant) classes which will inherite common properties and extend it by its own specialized attributes (for tests, etc.) All common options (such as start and stop program, etc.) will be possible to use in all services types and they will have "wellknown" behavior.

2.) from physical point of view it is implemented as only one class instance (Service_T), which is logical descendant of all above mentioned classes, some (ugly) ascii art:

         /         |                    |                 \
       /           |                    |                   \
     /             |                    |                     \
File_T   Device_T   Process_T   Directory_T
   \               |                    |                     /
     \             |                    |                   /
       \           |                    |                 /

Predecessor classes are not realy declared (they are "as virtual as possible" => they don't exist :) Its instances are chained in simple list. Specialized elements which are not utilized in particular monitoring service type are ignored in appropriate particular Service_T instance.

The usage stress active/passive/manual monitoring modes:

1.) to send just alerts in the case that the filesystem doesn't exist (in passive mode are start+stop methods ignored and only alert is sent):

check device hda with path /dev/hda5
 start "mount /dev/hda5 /usr/local/"
 stop  "umount /usr/local/"
 alert address@hidden
 mode passive

2.) active mode has EVENT_RESTART by default if the device doesn't exist:

check device hda with path /dev/hda5
 start "mount /dev/hda5 /usr/local/"
 stop  "umount /usr/local/"
 alert address@hidden
 mode active

3.) manual mode will enter active mode as soon as instructed by user: "monit start hda". In such case it will mount filesystem and start monitoring (usefull for clusters)

check device hda with path /dev/hda5
 start "mount /dev/hda5 /usr/local/"
 stop  "umount /usr/local/"
 alert address@hidden
 mode manual

For monitoring services such as file or directory, it is usefull to support start/stop programs too. You can have file or directory which *must* exist, or you can need to regenerate it (EVENT_RESTART) under some conditions (for example if it is too big, etc.)

I think we should keep start/stop programs support for device/directory/file services.


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