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[monit-dev] "check program" change uid preliminary patch

From: Leif Gustafson
Subject: [monit-dev] "check program" change uid preliminary patch
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 20:11:26 -0800

  Following up on the conversation in monit-general about adding an option
to "check program" to drop root privileges, I took a look at the source code
and tried to see how difficult it would be to add it.  I'm not extremely
familiar with the source tree nor do I usually use C for my day job so be
gentle, but I was able to mock up a preliminary working patch (against
5.3.2).  I think this is a pretty important security feature for "check
program" because if the user isn't careful a malicious trojan could be
executed as root.

  I had to make a couple of workarounds to get this to work.  The "check"
statements appear to be designed to only take one parameter (in this case,
the path to the program), so I had to modify the grammar of "check program"
a bit.  But also, the order in which the statement is being parsed means the
Service_t hasn't been created yet when uid/gid are parsed.  So, I have to
save those in static global variables and then set them in the instance of
Service_t once it has been created.

  So, testing this with something like "check program test-script with path
'/home/lgustafson/' as uid 1000 as gid 1000 if status != 0 then
alert" worked for me.  The script was indeed run as my uid/gid.  The caveat
is the supplemental group list still contains root, so the script could
still modify writeable files owned by gid 0.  I'm not certain that there is
a portable solution for that, but it could be resolved on some of the
platforms you support.

  Like I said, this is just a preliminary patch/brainstorming exercise.

Attachment: check-program-set-uid.patch
Description: Binary data

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