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Re: monitoring a directory's used space

From: David Breakey
Subject: Re: monitoring a directory's used space
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2012 09:40:42 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:14.0) Gecko/20120714 Thunderbird/14.0

Hmm. Wasn't aware dnotify had been replaced, but I haven't used it in quite a while.

Checking my package repositories, there's a Debian package called 'inoticoming' which seems to be ideally suited to what you're trying to do, although I haven't actually messed with it so I'm not sure. The description says "trigger actions when files hit an incoming directory"

Frankly, the only time I used dnotify was to "fix" a "bug" in the World of Warcraft launcher, which doesn't seem to have been an issue for a while now (under Wine, the launcher would set the permissions of the wow.exe file to 000--apparently this was something to inhibit a privilege escalation issue in Windows, where it worked correctly, but under Wine it failed spectacularly--preventing it from launching; my wow wrapper script used dnotify to work around this, so I didn't have to keep fixing it by hand; thankfully, not an issue anymore since I've quit WoW completely, but that's hardly a topic for this list).

On 07/24/2012 08:28 PM, Adam Wolfe wrote:
dnotify has been replaced by inotify and incrontab.  Both of which seem to not play friendly with variables.

Any other thoughts?

Is it possible to use monit's "check file" using wildcards?  Say, something like:

"check file client-stuff with /path/to/file/* (or /path/to/file/partial-filname*?)
    if space > 0B
    then alert
    then exec my-sync-script"


Would that work or does monit not accept wildcards in the "check file" statement?

For anyone just now joining, I'm trying to monitor when files are placed in a directory and when they are, send an email then run a sync to an ftp for dev/client to pick up.

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