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[Monotone-commits-diffs] net.venge.monotone: 5d8b9d46a8717039091ef619e2

From: code
Subject: [Monotone-commits-diffs] net.venge.monotone: 5d8b9d46a8717039091ef619e2c1c00d25837063
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 13:00:19 +0100 (CET)

revision:            5d8b9d46a8717039091ef619e2c1c00d25837063
date:                2011-03-09T12:00:01
author:              Richard Levitte <address@hidden>
branch:              net.venge.monotone
* contrib/monotone-cluster-push.lua: Moved ...
* extra/mtn-hooks/monotone-cluster-push.lua: ... here.  Bugs fixed (among
  others, a loop was missing, making it useless).
* test/extra/cvs-ignore/__driver__.lua: New test driver for

format_version "1"

new_manifest [b7e365ed7771d403916b3e3bc315ba0647885a84]

old_revision [01d48aa4dce0b565ff49caa10a49f38ee79176b7]

rename "contrib/monotone-cluster-push.lua"
    to "extra/mtn-hooks/monotone-cluster-push.lua"

add_dir "test/extra/cluster-push"

add_file "test/extra/cluster-push/__driver__.lua"
 content [718f98e2a3702d2f351c86abf37d52773599f72d]

patch "extra/mtn-hooks/monotone-cluster-push.lua"
 from [3a4f3bd0394d70d5c07c9314ad42026b212a4983]
   to [698cb958e60f8a847f4a43f371e6fc222a5200ef]
--- contrib/monotone-cluster-push.lua	3a4f3bd0394d70d5c07c9314ad42026b212a4983
+++ extra/mtn-hooks/monotone-cluster-push.lua	698cb958e60f8a847f4a43f371e6fc222a5200ef
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--- Copyright (c) 2007 by Richard Levitte <address@hidden>
+-- Copyright (c) 2007, 2011 by Richard Levitte <address@hidden>
 -- All rights reserved.
 -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -34,46 +34,43 @@
 --	include("/PATH/TO/monotone-cluster-push.lua")
---    You may want to change the following variables:
+--    You may want to set up the following variables:
 --	MCP_rcfile
 --			The absolute path to the configuration file used
---			by this script.  It contains basio stanza with the
---			following keys:
+--			by this script.
+--			Default: {confdir}/cluster-push.rc
---				pattern		Branch pattern, as in
---						read-permissions.  MUST
---						come first in each stanza.
---				server		Server address or address:port
---						to which this pattern should
---						be pushed.  There may be many
---						of these.
+--    The configuration file must contain basic-io stanzas with the
+--    following keys:
---			The default is cluster-push.rc located in the server's
---			configuration directory.
+--    pattern		Branch pattern, as in read-permissions.  It MUST
+--			come first in each stanza.
+--    server		Server address or address:port to which this
+--			pattern should be pushed.  There may be many of
+--			these in each stanza.
--- Variables
-MCP_default_rcfile = get_confdir() .. "/cluster-push.rc"
-if not MCP_rcfile then MCP_rcfile = MCP_default_rcfile end
 -- Local hack of the note_netsync_* functions
+   -- initialise rcfile with a default, or use MCP_rcfile if it's set
+   local rcfile = get_confdir() .. "/cluster-push.rc"
+   if MCP_rcfile then rcfile = MCP_rcfile end
    local debug = false
-   local quiet_startup = true
+   if MCP_debug then debug = true end
+   local verbose_startup = false
+   if MCP_verbose_startup then verbose_startup = true end
    local branches = {}
-   -- returns false if the rcfile wasn't parseable, otherwise true.
-   -- if it was parseable, run the callback with each item as argument
+   -- returns false if the rcfile wasn't parseable, otherwise a table of
+   -- patterns with the servers they each should be pushed to.
    local process_rcfile =
-      function (_hook_name, _rcfile, _callback)
+      function (_hook_name, _rcfile)
 	 if debug then
 	    io.stderr:write(_hook_name, ": reading ", _rcfile,
@@ -135,15 +132,18 @@ do
       startup =
 	    local pattern_branches =
-	       process_rcfile("note_mtn_startup", MCP_rcfile, nil)
+	       process_rcfile("monotone-cluster-push: startup", rcfile)
 	    if pattern_branches then
 	       for pattern, servers in pairs(pattern_branches) do
 		  for _,server in pairs(servers) do
-		     if not quiet_startup then
-			io.stderr:write("note_mtn_startup: pushing pattern \"",
-					pattern, "\" to server ", server, "\n")
+		     if not verbose_startup then
+			io.stderr:write("monotone-cluster-push: startup: ",
+					"pushing pattern \"", pattern,
+					"\" to server ", server, "\n")
-		     server_request_sync("push", server, pattern, "")
+		     server_request_sync("push",
+					 "mtn://"..server.."?"..pattern,
+					 "", "")
@@ -153,7 +153,8 @@ do
       start =
 	 function (nonce, ...)
 	    if debug then
-	       io.stderr:write("note_netsync_start: initialise branches\n")
+	       io.stderr:write("monotone-cluster-push: start: ",
+			       "initialise branches\n")
 	    branches[nonce] = {}
 	    return "continue",nil
@@ -167,8 +168,8 @@ do
 	    if name == "branch" then
 	       if debug then
-		  io.stderr:write("note_netsync_cert_received: branch ",
-				  value, " identified\n")
+		  io.stderr:write("monotone-cluster-push: cert_received: ",
+				  "branch ", value, " identified\n")
 	       branches[nonce][value] = true
@@ -180,14 +181,14 @@ do
 	    for _, item in pairs(certs)
 	       if debug then
-		  io.stderr:write("note_netsync_revision_received: cert ",
-, " with value ",
+		  io.stderr:write("monotone-cluster-push: revision_received: ",
+				  "cert ",, " with value ",
 				  item.value, " received\n")
 	       if == "branch" then
 		  if debug then
-		     io.stderr:write("note_netsync_revision_received: branch ",
-				     item.value, " identified\n")
+		     io.stderr:write("monotone-cluster-push: revision_received: ",
+				     "branch ", item.value, " identified\n")
 		  branches[nonce][item.value] = true
@@ -203,26 +204,35 @@ do
 		   keys_in, keys_out,
 	    if debug then
-	       io.stderr:write("note_netsync_end: ",
+	       io.stderr:write("monotone-cluster-push: end: ",
 			       string.format("%d certs, %d revs, %d keys",
 					     certs_in, revs_in, keys_in),
 	    if certs_in > 0 or revs_in > 0 or keys_in > 0 then
 	       local pattern_branches =
-		  process_rcfile("note_netsync_end", MCP_rcfile, nil)
+		  process_rcfile("monotone-cluster-push: end", rcfile, nil)
 	       if pattern_branches then
 		  for pattern, servers in pairs(pattern_branches) do
-		     if globish_match(pattern, branch) then
+		     for branch, _ in pairs(branches[nonce]) do
 			if debug then
-			   io.stderr:write("note_netsync_end: it matches branch ",
-					   branch, "\n")
+			   io.stderr:write("monotone-cluster-push: end: ",
+					   "trying pattern ", pattern,
+					   " with branch ", branch, "\n")
-			for _,server in pairs(servers) do
-			   io.stderr:write("note_netsync_end: ",
-					   "pushing pattern \"", pattern,
-					   "\" to server ", server, "\n")
-			   server_request_sync("push", server.."?"..pattern, "")
+			if globish.match(pattern, branch) then
+			   if debug then
+			      io.stderr:write("monotone-cluster-push: end: ",
+					      "it matches\n")
+			   end
+			   for _,server in pairs(servers) do
+			      io.stderr:write("monotone-cluster-push: end: ",
+					      "pushing pattern \"", pattern,
+					      "\" to server ", server, "\n")
+			      server_request_sync("push",
+						  "mtn://"..server.."?"..pattern,
+						  "", "")
+			   end
--- /dev/null	
+++ test/extra/cluster-push/__driver__.lua	718f98e2a3702d2f351c86abf37d52773599f72d
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+append("netsync.lua", "\
+includedirpattern(get_confdir() .. \"/hooks.d\",\"*.conf\")\
+includedirpattern(get_confdir() .. \"/hooks.d\",\"*.lua\")\
+-- the server that shall receive the push from the other server
+srv1 = netsync.start(2)
+-- the server that shall push to the other server.  We add this
+-- hook now, so the former server doesn't catch it
+	   "hooks.d/monotone-cluster-push.lua"))
+	  "MCP_debug = true\nMCP_verbose_startup=true\n")
+	  "\
+pattern \"*\"\
+server \""..srv1.address.."\"\n")
+srv2 = netsync.start(3)
+-- Move the hook, so we don't confuse the clients
+       "hooks.d/monotone-cluster-push.conf.disabled")
+       "hooks.d/monotone-cluster-push.lua.disabled")
+-- Now, send something to the second server
+addfile("foo", "bar")
+-- Destroy the client setup and rebuild it, so we can pull frmo scratch
+-- Now, fetch from the first server
+check(mtn("checkout", "--branch=testbranch", "checkout"), 0, false, false)
+savedir = chdir("checkout")
+-- Check that the revisions are the same
+check(pushed_rev == pulled_rev)
+-- Cleanup

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