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[Monotone-commits-nodiffs] Revision 23f742ba01900ec39990ad099bd8b5ec524d

From: monotone
Subject: [Monotone-commits-nodiffs] Revision 23f742ba01900ec39990ad099bd8b5ec524d9bf3
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 17:24:28 +0200

Revision: 23f742ba01900ec39990ad099bd8b5ec524d9bf3
Ancestor: 4585b41843e978608ad05914f7cabdad8138e775
Author: address@hidden
Date: 07/29/10 17:16:25
Branch: net.venge.monotone.guitone.remote-stdio-support

Modified files:


Two bugs fixed: at first indexIn() returns -1 for invalid matches, 0
or greater is valid, secondly, monotone allows db aliases without
".mtn" extension and as such we need to manually expand the alias
appropriately to properly look up the database.

monotone --db={your.database} diff 

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