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Re: [Monotone-devel] Branch naming

From: Nathaniel Smith
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Branch naming
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 22:23:41 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 11:08:26PM -0500, graydon hoare wrote:
> just commit to a new branch:
>   monotone --branch=com.qualitycode.monotone commit

My intuition is whining that com.qualitycode.monotone should be a
totally different program from net.venge.monotone, and that a branch
off net.venge.monotone should be called

Possibly my intuition is on crack.  Does anyone else feel like this?
I think it's because a dotted name like that implies a hierarchy, and
heirarchies are all about maximal initial substrings -- if someone
else were to independently create a program called 'monotone', and
stick it in branch 'com.example.monotone', there'd be no way to tell
whether it was supposed to be a branch of our monotone or not.

On the other hand, this way lies branch names like
net.venge.monotone-com.qualitycode.kevin-local_fixes or the like, and
maybe that's just horrible.  I guess there's some ambiguity in
whether net.venge.monotone is supposed to be the name of a program
(and also its 'HEAD' branch), or whether it's just a branch name...

-- Nathaniel

"But suppose I am not willing to claim that.  For in fact pianos
are heavy, and very few persons can carry a piano all by themselves."

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