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Re: [Monotone-devel] newcomer thoughts and questions (self hosting, CVS

From: Joel Rosdahl
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] newcomer thoughts and questions (self hosting, CVS)
Date: Thu, 06 May 2004 20:04:42 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) XEmacs/21.4 (Common Lisp, linux)

"Eric S. Johansson" <address@hidden> writes:

[Only replying to some of your questions.]

> [...]
> On running your own server, it looks like you have your own
> equivalent of pserver but I am uncomfortable with how authentication
> seems to be handled. It seems very ad hoc, at least that's my
> impression from the documentation.

Authentication is done by checking the client's cryptographic key
(which have been added to the server database explicitly by the server
administrator) and authorization is done by calling a user-defined LUA
function that determines whether the client is authorized. (But you
probably already knew that.) Simple, but powerful, I think. Why are
you uncomfortable with it?

> Also, if I remember correctly from earlier documentation there was
> an SMTP based method of synchronization. I assume that went away or
> I am remembering something from a different project?

Yes, that's correct. Older versions of Monotone had a different
networking subsystem which handled patch queues and transmission to
destination network servers using HTTP, NNTP or SMTP.


Joel Rosdahl <address@hidden>
Key BB845E97; fingerprint 9F4B D780 6EF4 5700 778D  8B22 0064 F9FF BB84 5E97

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