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Re: [Monotone-devel] propagate oddities (bugs?), sure lca bugs

From: Christof Petig
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] propagate oddities (bugs?), sure lca bugs
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 15:16:12 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux ppc; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20050105 Debian/1.7.5-1

Nathaniel Smith schrieb:
first glance) ... And I can't upload my latest changes to ...]

If you mean that netsync'ing to isn't connecting, that'd be
because it was down earlier, but is up again.  If you mean that you
netsync to, and it seems to be working fine but then freezes
instead of finishing, than this is my fault fork breaking netsync in a
few recent revision of mainline; update and you should be fine :-) (or
if you're really wedged, I can email you a snapshot or something, I

I experienced both problems but since I tend to keep several monotone
binaries around (and on several computers) getting a newer snapshot was
easy once the server was up again. Blaming monotone itself for my
internal netsync failure took me some time, though.


PS: Looks like I hunt an evil CVS bug, whether the update command fails
depends on the context and the version :-( [I cannot reproduce the bug
using the same commands seperately]

But implementing pserver seems to be a lot more promising than hunting
for obscure bugs occuring only on one server (though the beast happens
to be my development maching)

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