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Re: [Monotone-devel] One-step checkouts?

From: Richard Levitte
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] One-step checkouts?
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 12:04:28 +0200

Tomas Fasth writes:
One way to simplify commands for newcomers that came to my mind is
to extend the use of environment variables to provide default values
for the --db and --branch options. Example:
export MONOTONEDB=monotone.db
export MONOTONEBRANCH=net.venge.monotone
monotone db init
monotone pull net.venge.monotone
monotone co monotone

I don't really see the need for that, especially since one can as well do this:
export MONOTONE="monotone --db=monotone.db"
export MONOTONE_B="$MONOTONE --branch=net.venge.monotone"
$MONOTONE db init
$MONOTONE pull net.venge.monotone
$MONOTONE_B co monotone
By the way, here's a newbee question; Is there a difference between
collection and branch, as used in pull and co?

Yes. A collection is basically a prefix to express a collection of branches. So the collection net.venge.monotone could be expressed with the glob "net.venge.monotone*", while then branch net.venge.monotone only matches itself.
My personal opinion is that those three initial steps above are
essential for the understanding of how monotone works. It may not do
any good in the long run to hide this from a newcomer.

I agree with that.
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Richard Levitte                         address@hidden
"When I became a man I put away childish things, including
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