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Re: [Monotone-devel] status of mainline

From: Olivier Andrieu
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] status of mainline
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 00:18:09 +0100

 Nathaniel Smith [Sunday 26 February 2006] :
 > Two biggish changes on mainline this weekend:
 > Blobs landed on mainline[1].  I was only holding off on this because
 > it might be destabilizing before 0.26, but 0.26 is taking a bit to get
 > here and it's a pretty safe branch, so here you go.  For those
 > following alone, upgrading to this from an earlier roster-enabled
 > monotone will require a 'db migrate' (but netsync, etc., are all still
 > compatible). 

Some information about how this impacts monotone-viz.

The head revision of the monotone-viz branch handles both base64 and
blob databases.

*But* (this is a bit complicated), monotone now has sqlite 3.3, which
uses a different file format. New databases and vacuum'ed databases
will switch to this new format, which cannot be read by older sqlite
libraries. Since `monotone db migrate' does a vacuum, monotone dbs
automatically switch to the new format when they are migrated to the
new schema with blobs. The problem is that if monotone-viz was built
to use a shared sqlite library, this one too must be updated to 3.3,
otherwise monotone-viz won't be able to read the new monotone

Anyway the safest way to compile monotone-viz is to use monotone's
sqlite library directly: 
  - make a link named `monotone' in monotone-viz directory linking to
    a compiled monotone tree ;
  - run monotone-viz' configure with the `--with-shared-sqlite=no'

Hope this helps,

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